JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers Unfollow Each Other on Social Media

Trouble in Paradise?

Rumor has it that after a year together, Jordan Rodgers and JoJo Fletcher may be headed for a breakup as the couple unfollow each other on Twitter and Instagram and their shocking move was reportedly caught by a Reddit user.

“JoJo and Jordan unfollowed each other only to re-follow each other again a few hrs later,” bachgirl wrote on the discussion website. “Another break up in the midst?”

So, why did they unfollow each other in the first place?

Maybe it had to do with the fact that Jordan was snapped questionably close to a woman at a bar.

There was an Instagram account that had a story up of Jordan with his hand on a woman’s back leaning in to talk to her.


With Ben Higgins back on the market after his breakup with Lauren Bushnell, maybe there could be hope for Ben and JoJo after all?


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