Chris Harrison Reveals Why Kelley Wasn’t Invited to The Women Tell All

Kelley Flanagan was missing from the The Bachelor: Women Tell All special on Monday night.

Why Wasn’t Kelley At The Women Tell All?

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Ashely Iaconetti asked Chris Harrison about Kelley’s absence from WTA.

“When I asked Chris Harrison about this on the Almost Famous podcast last week he said they felt Kelley didn’t play an integral part to the storyline,” Ashley wrote on her Cosmopolitan blog.

“That response begs the question: so production felt as if Katrina, Maurissa and Alexa played important enough roles in the season to be part of the reunion? Kelley not getting an invitation to WTA says, to me, that Kelley, a fan favorite, is not a production favorite,” she continued.

‘Perhaps they worried she would make claims of “unfair” editing in regards to her final date on the show. Fans believe that she was edited on this three-on-one to say that her occupation made her more worthy of Peter’s heart than the others. Sixth place finisher Natasha was also not at WTA. She was asked to attend but couldn’t.”

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Kelley “liked” these tweets during the Women Tell All about her not being invited.

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She also re-tweeted Nick Viall’s tweet which read, “Kelley is currently winning Women Tell All.”

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According to entertainment blogger Reality Steve, Kelley wasn’t liked by the production.

“Word broke yesterday that Kelley told people she wasn’t invited to the Women Tell All,” Steve tweeted.

“This is true. Why? I have no idea. But if you finished 5th & you were popular on the season, & you don’t get invited to Women Tell All, it means they didn’t like her. No other reason. Not sure why Natasha wasn’t.”

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Kelley also made sure we knew that she wasn’t watching the special on Monday night.

She posted a mirror selfie of herself getting ready to attend the monster truck rally.


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