Catherine Credits Husband Sean Lowe for Saving Their Infant Son’s Life

Sean Lowe and Catherine Lowe experienced a parental nightmare in 2018, when their five-month-old son, Isaiah, came down with what they thought was a mild cold but ended up being something much worse.

“My husband took him to the pediatrician just to check, and in that moment he was directed to go straight to the ER and [the doctor] said ‘it might be RSV,’ ” Catherine told Healthline.

But as the sickness lingered, “he felt compelled to just be like, ‘You know what? Let’s check it out’, He went to the pediatrician and they were like, ‘You need to go to the E.R. Right now.” 

Catherine was at work at the time, “I wasn’t even privy to what was going on,” she told E! News. “My husband didn’t have his phone. He rushed to the E.R. and used someone else’s phone to call me.’”  

Isaiah was diagnosed with RSV, which developed into bronchiolitis, leaving him unable to take in enough oxygen.

“The whole thing is so traumatic,” recalled Catherine. “And then you see your baby hooked up to all these tubes. This is a child that I’d hold in my arms and breastfeed and now I can’t even really touch him.” 

“As a mom, you’re like, ‘I’m not gonna sleep. I’m not leaving his side’, Catherine said. “He’s so healthy now.” 

“I think sharing my story can hopefully help other moms or people that are planning to become pregnant or are pregnant to be aware that RSV is a scary thing,” Catherine said.

“If I have anxiety or anything, hearing my sweet baby’s voice brings me so much joy,” said Catherine. “And I think that’s what every parent experiences, those moments where even in the chaos, you see something—whether it’s a picture they drew or something they said to you or a kiss—and that’s what brings you back to reality of, like, this is a beautiful journey that I get to be on.”

Since their time on the show, they’ve welcomed three children into their family: Samuel, Isaiah, and Mia Mejia.

“When can we expect rugrat Lowe #4?!”

Sean hilariously wrote, “As soon as my wife allows me to touch her again!”

“All the best things in my life came from that silly show,” Sean said about the Bachelor before signing off.