Raven Gates Dated These Two Guys on The First Week of Filming Bachelor in Paradise

Bachelor in Paradise is officially coming back for the fourth season this summer.

Before the production was shut down by Warner Bros, some real connections were made and some hearts were broken in the first week of filming.

An impressive SEVEN pairings were made in the first week of filming!

Let’s talk about The Bachelor season 21 runner up Raven Gates. After getting her heart broken by Nick Viall, she headed straight to Paradise and broke one heart.

The first contestant she went out with is none other than… a runner up himself.


Robby had his sights set on the Arkansas native. He arrived on the second day of filming and asked Raven on a date. Unfortunately, there weren’t any fireworks and nothing major happened. Also because she was interested in someone else.

The second contestant she went out on a date with is a Bachelor Nation favorite.


Ben Z and Raven Gates struck up a flirtation in the house. The two really hit it off and exchanged some kisses before the show was temporarily shut down.

The filming for Bachelor in Paradise 4 will resume this weekend.

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