Raven Gates and Bekah Martinez Get Into Ugly Twitter War Over Colton and Tia

There’s major drama brewing off-camera between two members of Bachelor Nation on Twitter.

It looks like Raven Gates and Bekah Martinez are no longer friends as the two were seen feuding on Twitter over Colton Underwood and Tia Booth.

This article contains spoilers for season 14 of The Bachelorette and the upcoming season of Bachelor in Paradise.

Tia is Raven’s bestfriend who competed against Bekah for Arie’s heart on season 22 of The Bachelor. She formerly dated Colton Underwood, who is currently competing on season 14 for Becca Kufrin.

It all started when Bekah thought our Bachelorette was being played by Tia and Colton for fame and Paradise love. Some of the tweets have since been deleted, but here are some of the screenshots.


 bekah and raven twitter


 bekah and raven twitter

bekah raven blocked

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