Hannah Ann Opens up After Devastating Break up with Peter Weber

Peter Weber and Hannah Ann’s engagement came to an end in two months after the Bachelor admitted he couldn’t give her his “full heart.”

“My instincts were telling me I wasn’t getting all the information I needed from Peter,” Hannah Ann said during the Bachelor Happy Hour podcast.

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“He told me on our last date he was going to make a decision that was for the best of us. When you’re with someone, you trust their word. But he conveniently left out some important information.”

“We were looking into moving in together, looking at apartments. We were serious. When the season started, I started to feel his hesitation, and that didn’t sit well with me. He was giving me these words of affirmation to keep me there.”

“I was miserable with him. Once the season started, he was so wishy-washy. I don’t want to be with someone just because his mom told him to.”

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The break up was blindsiding to her especially because she had straight-up asked Peter if he was going to dump her.

“I said, ‘Hey, if you’re wanting to end things, can you give me a little bit of a heads up? I’ll be fine, trust me. We actually had talked that morning [and decided] that we weren’t going to break up, that we were going to work through it.”

“I’m able to see how he is consistently indecisive and confused, and who wants to be with that? That doesn’t make me secure in being with him,” she added. “It’s really helped me move forward, because I know I deserve more than someone just half loving me. I deserve someone who’s going to give me 100 percent.”

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