Reality Steve EXPOSES Devin Strader’s Past With Proof

Reality Steve exposed Devin Strader on his YouTube Live on 16th September.

Here are some points from his livestream yesterday.

Devin Strader had a restraining order against him from an ex because of some things he did in a past relationship.

According to Steve, back in college when Devin and his ex were at LSU, he tired to break into her house by breaking her window after she broke up with him.

He then lit the restraining order on fire in front of her house.

Devin was then arrested for burglary and breaking the restraining order.

“She also stated that the defendant has come to her house banging on the door several times and screaming at her. She stated that this was several days before the burglary and has been staying at her mom’s place for several days since he had banged on the door.”

“She also had a tire flattened on her vehicle and when it was getting changed, the Defendant came outside and began laughing at her.”

Here’s the original DM Reality Steve received when the Bachelorette was filming.

Reality Steve also reported that the ex in question filed the restraining order against Devin for something a little more serious than that.

“Do I know what it is? Yes. I cannot say what it is because I haven’t spoken to the ex in question here,” Steve says. “However, the other document I have proves that there was a restraining order was taken out against Devin from his ex.”

Then there’s this screenshot Steve received which pretty much sums up Devin’s whole personality.

Reality Steve also said the the show didn’t know about Devin’s restraining order.

“I’m aware this is a very serious matter. I’m the number one critique of the show and how they handle situations but I honestly don’t think [ABC] knew about this. Because the [restraining order] was sealed. I don’t know how you would know to even find that.”

Here’s how the Bachelor Nation fans reacted to this news.

“Honestly not shocked that Devin is a freaking psychopath. I feel terrible for that girl who had to live through literal hell because the courts truly failed her I mean violates his restraining order on four separate occasions and didn’t have to serve any actual jail time. Nothing screams broken justice systems like that. Jen was smart to run away from anything to do with him she dodged one hell of a bullet that’s for damn sure.”

“There was a video on TikTok of a girl who went to high school with Devin. He bullied the s**t out of her.”

“I hope everyone who defended Devin for releasing those texts and blamed Jenn for being the problem feels insanely embarrassed rn”

“This was insane to me. The audacity of Devin to act like he’s not a bad guy. I mean, the restraining order, the breaking in, the setting the restraining order on fire in front of her house, the repeated violations of the order…and then of course there’s the homophobic/hateful DMs. Makes me sick to my stomach that he made it onto the show.”

“I am a crime story junkie and i have seen so many stories about women getting killed by their ex who would not accept the break up. I can only imagine what Devin’s ex must have felt going through this, truly scary and not surprised she did not want to be involved in the story, probably traumatic just thinking about it.”

“The fact that he tried to amplify himself with that bogus 13 minute long video only to have it essentially backfire, we love to see it. Devin, maybe next time you should just stfu, hope this helps! 🖤”

“I am not surprised in the slightest and wish peace on all of the victims/survivors”

“I’m worried for Jenn and all the women he has come in contact with. He definitely released ‘those’ texts on purpose and now it feels like intimidation, that he might ‘accidentally’ post more. Jenn may not have dodged the bullet yet because this guy has a habit of troubling his ex’s. Stay safe jenn!””Oof, this is so much worse than I expected.

“His actions were so insidious and evil. I feel so bad for the ex-girlfriend, that must have been such a terrifying time in her life. I mean he made her feel so unsafe in his home that she stayed with her parents.

Whoever was responsible for vetting these people needs to be fired. And the show needs to get its act together on background checks before someone gets harmed.”