Erich’s Sweet Post For His Dad Who Who Died After Meeting Gabby During Hometowns

During the latest episode of the Bachelorette, we hear Erich Schwer explain that his dad had been diagnosed with cancer years earlier and “was legitimately supposed to die like three times.”, and Allan Schwer tells Gabby and him that he’d been in ICU for around 40 days.

“But I’m still here. I’m happy. I’m positive, so that’s good,” Allan tells them before sharing his respect for Gabby, who is an ICU nurse. “I really admire the ICU nurses. They’re so sharp.”

Allan passed away after filming at the age of 65 on July 6, just five days before the premiere of The Bachelorette.

After the hometowns episode, Erich posted a heartfelt tribute to his father on social media with some photos and a note.

Thankful for everything you’ve done for me. We are gonna miss the hell out of you Big AL. I love you so much dad.

“He’s struggling for sure to be there to meet Gabby and for it to be like a family thing,” Erich said of his dad during hometowns episode.

“I have to show my dad how much she means to me because it’s really important.”

“The last CT scan showed that the cancer came back,” Allan said during the episode. “It’s being a little more aggressive. But I went through three rounds of chemo, first two did nothing and the third one almost killed me.”

The Bachelorette also paid tribute to Allan Schwer after the episode.